Monday, September 1, 2014

I Get Around

I came back from BlogHer with a goal of trying to guest post on other blogs and maybe find some new readers along the way. After all, I shared the stories of 51 other people here, why not try to get around a bit myself? And so far, so good.

My friend (and LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER cast mate) Julie of Next Life, No Kids did a series of posts on finding beauty in the every day. She shared a recent post of mine alongside some other bits of beauty, and I have a soft spot for anyone who calls me "fierce." Go check her out.

I had the honor of subbing for Judy Bolton-Fasman in our local newspaper, The Jewish Advocate, last week. They ran my column on Max and the World Cup, and it was the first time I've had a column show up in print. Seeing my name does not get old.

Finally, Cristi at Motherhood Unadorned has reinvigorated her series "Not a Bad Mom" where moms confess the things that don't make them, well, a bad mom. My confession was written about a month ago, and I'm actually going to be switching things up soon, but click on over to read about how I'm not a bad mom if I miss mornings at home.

And for one last big stretch: I submitted something for a book anthology. We'll see if that works out, but I've never done that before, so I'm glad I made the effort to do it. If it doesn't work out, you'll see it as a future post here instead.

Please go show my recent hosts some love, and if you have an opportunity for me, I'd be happy to hear it!

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