
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So, this happened.

So the first interview for The Having It All Project went up on Friday, and while I was excited to see where it would go, I honestly wasn't expecting much. I thought it would take a while to gain some momentum, and see where the project would go. But I also figured it couldn't hurt to reach out to some of the sites I read most often, and well, promote it a bit. Kind of like tweeting a celebrity and asking for a shout on your birthday, right? But when I tweeted Anne-Marie Slaughter, of The Atlantic's "Why Women Still Can't Have It All" fame, I hardly expected these responses:

I nearly fell over reading that. It complete validated this crazy mission I'm on. And while Slaughter lauded it for being a resource for parents, I don't see this project as having such a limited scope. It's not just for parents. It's not just for people who are working. It's for anyone trying to find that elusive balance that we're all hoping to find. Maybe you're launching a business, or writing a book. Maybe you've moved to chase a dream. Maybe you're taking care of a sick relative or dealing with a chronic illness. Maybe you're starting over. Whatever it is, I hope to feature people with relatable stories. Maybe even your own.

I'd love for you to help spread the word. Come back each Friday for a new post, or use the handy subscription line on near the top right of the page to have posts delivered to your email.

In the past six months alone, Busy Since Birth has doubled in page views, which is really amazing considering the blog is already almost six years old. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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